Saturday, June 08, 2013

Jet skis allowed in St. Vincent and the Grenadines?

Hello All,

The economy of the country St. Vincent and the Grenadines is as of the past few years more relying on tourism than agriculture.
Being an island nation, the marine environment obviously plays a huge part in this.
The government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is at the moment very active as far as the marine environment is concerned. On the 6th of June they sent out a letter inviting discussion and comments on development of a national ocean policy.
Here is the link to the full document:
Quote from the discussion document:
Tourism is heavily reliant on the marine environment in terms of cruise ship tourism, beach side hotels and beaches, scuba diving and recreational yachting. The quality and status of the marine environment could therefore have a significant impact on the value of this sector, depending how tourists perceive the quality of the marine environment and the experience it offers, relative to other islands in the region.
However, on a different note, a letter was sent out to stakeholders on the 8th of May proposing the following (quote)
As a means of diversifying the marine tourism product, the Ministry of Tourism, Sports and Culture is presently considering the introduction of jet skis as a watersport activity and also to facilitate in the patrol of the waters throughout the destination.
Numerous well reasoned and courteous letters have been posted and sent mainly opposing this idea.
There is also a petition, I encourage you to sign it, here is the link to that:
Petition against Jet skis in St Vincent and the Grenadines

As we can consider the entire nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines a marine park, I personally think this is a very strange proposal, especially considering the invitation to the environmental discussion.
And as pictures say more than words:
Regards, Maria

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